CRASH Magazineはフランスの雑誌であり、主にファッションやカルチャーの情報を発信しています。今号のテーマは”VEGETAL GUERRILLA”。アーティスト、環境写真家をはじめ、人類学者や哲学者、そして弁護士など様々な分野の方へのインタビューを通して人間社会と自然との関係が考察されています。
滝沢の写真は、特集の中の一つ、国際的に活躍されている人権問題専門の弁護士のVALÉRIE CABANES氏とインタビュアーのSTÉPHANIE BUI氏との対談記事 (先住民族の人権と環境問題に関して) に使用されました。
The pictures of plants taken by Naoki Takizawa were used in a French Magazine- CRASH 94.
CRASH Magazine is a well-known fashion and culture magazine in France.
The 94th issue features “the relationship between human society and nature” named “VEGETAL GUERRILLA”, inviting various professionals in different fields, such as artists, photographers, anthropologists, philosophers, and even lawyers were sharing their thoughts and current works on today’s environmental issue.
Takizawa’s pictures were used in one of the feature articles, based on an interview to VALÉRIE CABANES, who is an international lawyer specializing in human rights, who proselytizes “the rights of nature”. The interviewer STÉPHANIE BUI explores her advocacy.